Pre-K & K Prep Tutoring in Avon & Brownsburg
Club Z! of Avon & Brownsburg Offers Private, In-Home Tutoring In All Grades.
Each year, as parents get ready to send their little one off to kindergarten, they begin to wonder if their child is really ready to start school. For many parents, preparing their child for school is easier said than done because they aren't sure where to start. Club Z! of Avon & Brownsburg helps kids get ready for kindergarten in Avon, Brownsburg, Ben Davis, Lizton, North Salem, North West Hendricks, Pittsboro, Tri West, Wayne Township, West Indianapolis and surrounding areas with no long term contracts and no testing/assessment fees.
We offer free, no obligation pre-k prep consultations with one of our directors who will provide recommendations for your family.
The Club Z! Pre-K Prep Advantage
Club Z! of Avon & Brownsburg offers the following benefits with our kindergarten preparation program:
- Fun, educational activities for preschoolers
- A focus on early childhood development
- Proven results compared to standard preschool
- Private, one-on-one tutoring for your child
- Both visual and auditory learning
- Knowledgable in pre-k math, reading and science
- Dedicated to kindergarten readiness
I am the proud mother of an honor roll student, Donnashia. She is excelling in her school work and utilizes Club Z! tutoring service to enhance her study habits and provide her with the right tools to continue to make good grades. Thanks Club Z! tutoring service.
The Club Z! study skills course (Learning Built to Last) has helped my son get organized and accountable for turning in assignments. Prior to the course, he would not complete homework, much less turn it in. We are so pleased with his progress!
Alejandro has come a long way thanks to your tutoring in reading and math. Thank you so much for tailoring the classes to the needs of our schedule. It really worked!!! I will definitely resume tutoring with Club Z! for my children in the future when needed.
Hayley, our Club Z! tutor has been doing such an awesome job with Noah! His grades have improved since she started helping him. Hayley is such a perfect fit for Noah. She does a great job teaching while keeping it fun and interesting for him. I am very satisfied with Hayley and Club Z!
We wanted to thank you again for the awesome support Tomas received over the summer. He had a terrific report card for the first nine weeks. What's even better is his confidence in himself which I know his tutor helped instill in him. Thanks again!
Club Z! In-Home and Online Tutoring is the leading provider of academic tutoring and test preparation services in the United States and Canada for over 20 years. Our learning programs are customized for your family's unique needs, offering a tailored learning plan for each and every student. We are proud to serve Avon & Brownsburg including Avon, Brownsburg, Ben Davis, Lizton, North Salem, North West Hendricks, Pittsboro, Tri West, Wayne Township, West Indianapolis and surrounding areas.
Club Z! offers comprehensive In-Home Academic and Test Prep Tutoring from Pre-K to Pre-Med and everything in between! Residents of Avon & Brownsburg and surrounding areas will love our in-home tutoring services in the comfort and convenience of your home, on school campus, at the library or in a small group!
Club Z! offers Online Tutoring and Test Prep for most subject areas and grade levels in Avon & Brownsburg and surrounding areas! Connect with an expert tutor on our virtual learning platform with 1-on-1 instruction tailored to your unique needs and schedule.