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(224) 215-4780
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SAT Scores For Top IL Colleges

Colleges and Universities in IL Reading Math Writing
25% 75% 25% 75% 25% 75%
DePaul University - - - - - -
Illinois College - - - - - -
IIT 520 640 640 740 - -
Illinois Wesleyan 510 610 510 610 - -
Lake Forest - - - - - -
Loyola University 520 630 530 630 520 620
Northwestern University 690 770 700 790 690 770
University of Chicago 720 800 715 800 710 780
UIUC 590 690 700 790 600 690
Wheaton College 600 710 590 700 600 700

Article Source: About Education

Club Z! of Chicago North Shore
Call For A Free Online ACT Test
(224) 215-4780

Club Z! In-Home and Online Tutoring is the leading provider of Academic Tutoring and Test Preparation services in Chicago North Shore for over 20 years. Our learning programs are customized for your family's unique needs, offering a tailored learning plan for each and every student. We are proud to serve Chicago North Shore including Deerfield, Glencoe, Glenview, Highland Park, Highwood, Kenilworth, Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Libertyville, Northbrook, Vernon Hills, Wilmette, Winnetka and surrounding areas.

  Contact Us Today!

Club Z! offers comprehensive In-Home Academic and Test Prep Tutoring from Pre-K to Pre-Med and everything in between! Residents of Chicago North Shore and surrounding areas will love our in-home tutoring services in the comfort and convenience of your home, on school campus, at the library or in a small group!

  Contact Us Today!

Club Z! offers Online Tutoring and Test Prep for most subject areas and grade levels in Chicago North Shore and surrounding areas! Connect with an expert tutor on our virtual learning platform with 1-on-1 instruction tailored to your unique needs and schedule.

Academic Tutoring
Math Tutoring
Reading Tutoring
Writing Tutoring
Science Tutoring
Study Skills Tutoring
And More!
Test Prep Tutoring
Test Preparation
SAT Test Prep
ACT Test Prep
College Admissions Help
And More!
  Contact Us Today!