Our children are sponges full of information and summer does a really great job of wringing them out and pouring all of that information they soaked up down the drain! In the fall, they come to school rested, sun-tanned and…well…clueless! Getting back all of that lost information that they learned the previous year is a struggle.
It’s one vicious cycle! Unfortunately, cheering our kids on, holding up a foam finger and telling them they’re brilliant doesn’t always break that cycle! What can break the cycle is summer learning.
We’re not talking about the traditional science, reading and math camps in Fullerton that are no different than a class during the school year. Academic summer camps, summer tutoring programs and summer programs for kids in Fullerton exist for that reason! Before we get into the types of programs that exist, we’ll explain why summer is such a great time to learn.
Avoiding summer learning loss isn’t the only reason why kids need academic summer camps, tutoring summer programs for kids and top summer schools in Fullerton. They also need ways to learn during the summer because the summer environment is the best learning environment for kids. Why?
Academic summer camps and tutoring summer programs for kids in Fullerton allow kids and teens to learn their most difficult subjects at a time when their minds are most rested instead of when they’re mentally exhausted. This way, they have the best chance at doing well….and when they learn those tough subjects again in the fall, it will be easy for them and will require less studying during the year. Less stress? Yes please!
During the year, children take 6-8 classes, plus, they’re involved in extra curriculars. They spend every hour of every day learning something – whether it’s academic subjects, sports skills, music, chores, etc. Their jam packed schedules and the constant need to keep their brains fully turned on means that their minds are in desperate need of a rest and they can’t seem to get it. When this happens, learning ability, memory and problem solving ability all drop dramatically.
This is why academic summer camps, tutoring summer programs for kids in Fullerton are so popular. That’s also why there’s such high demand for subject specific programs like math camps, reading summer programs, summer writing programs for elementary students in Fullerton.
When your child learns something during the summer, he’s more likely to excel in that subject and remember information because his brain is working with enough sleep! (Growing children and teens need 10 or more hours of sleep per night!) During the year, most children’s jam-packed school and extracurricular schedules lead to sleep deprivation. This makes their brains WORSE at thinking, problem solving, remembering, learning, time management and mental speed.
If you have kids who have studied at top summer schools or participated in academic summer camps and summer programs for kids, you’ve probably noticed that they do better during the summer than during the school year. Ah…see? There’s a method to the madness of summer learning…and reading, writing and math camps in Fullerton aren’t as evil as some may think!
This point is truer for one-on-one summer tutoring programs for kids than it is for than group-oriented academic summer camps and top summer schools in Fullerton. Tutoring summer programs for kids focus more on your child than math camps, reading summer programs and summer writing programs for elementary students in Fullerton. How?
One-on-one tutoring programs can teach your child information in the way he learns best. This will eliminate confusion, allow him to play to his strengths, and give him an advantage in any subject that he studies during the summer. Teachers of academic summer camps and top summer schools can’t focus on the individual when they have entire groups of students to teach.
This is another point that’s much truer for one-on-one summer tutoring programs for kids than it is for than top summer schools and group-oriented academic summer camps. Customized lesson plans and teaching are great for your child, but so is customized practice. Not all homework is created equal! One-on-one tutors can design practice homework that fits your child’s learning style.
For example, a high school sophomore, Kayla, was struggling with physics, but did not want to go to math camps or science camps. Instead, her parents enrolled her in a Club Z! summer tutoring program to learn physics. Her Club Z! tutor noticed Kayla was a varsity basketball player, so he designed all of her problems and exercises around her biggest love: basketball.
They watched old videos of Michael Jordan playing and when he threw or dribbled the ball, he would stop the video, and ask Kayla to figure out the velocity, height, arc length and other factors in Jordan’s plays. Then, Kayla watched college players on video and learned to figure out (on a physics level) what they would need to do to correct their issues with speed, accuracy, etc. Physics made her a better basketball fan…because she could analyze the game in a new way!
Kayla actually became excited about physics! Her brain turned on to physics instead of shutting down, and after that, she excelled in the subject…even when problems were not about basketball. During the year, school teachers wouldn’t have been able to dedicate the one-on-one time Kayla needed. With the counselors at group oriented academic summer camps and group summer programs for kids, Kayla would have had the same experience.
If you have a child who needs this kind of academic attention, one-on-one summer programs for kids and tutoring are best!
Some people are night owls, some function better in the morning and some function best in the afternoon. If you’ve ever try to wrestle a night owl teenager out of bed at 7:00 a.m. on a school day, you know this all too well! Summer learning allows for more schedule flexibility, so your child can learn when her mind is most alert.
You can find the most flexibility in summer programs for kids (those that are one-on-one) because you can schedule tutoring at any time you want…even 9:00 at night!
With standard academic summer camps and also with top summer schools, the most flexibility you’ll have is the ability to choose from a list of pre-set times and dates. Some math camps, summer writing programs for elementary students/teens and reading summer programs in Fullerton have separate morning and afternoon sessions. This kind of moderate flexibility works perfectly for some, while others need a bit more flexibility.
The school year is full of sports, music performances, games, dances, school plays, and 6-8 school subjects to study…plus all of the homework! To the list of distractions, you can also add any social drama that’s happening at school…and the number of times your child Snap Chats with friends about it while she’s supposed to be doing homework!
Ah…school life… The point is, your child is juggling all of these factors, and every one of them creates a distraction from whatever subject she needs to focus on most. Top summer schools, private tutoring summer programs for kids and academic summer camps in Fullerton allow kids to learn without the distraction of the school year pulling them away from their work.
For some children, just being in a more relaxed summer setting is enough. For other kids, the distraction of being around so many other kids in academic summer camps or top summer schools in Fullerton is still enough to disturb their focus. If this is the case for your child, individualized tutoring summer programs for kids and teens are the best! (The classroom-type setting of some reading summer programs, math camps and summer writing programs in Fullerton may be no better than the regular school year for your child.)
During the school year, your child has to stress about all types of things. There are upcoming tests, papers and projects, performances, games, etc. With all of these deadlines and major events, your child is under a heap of pressure!
Learning and retaining new information when stressed is much harder than when the mind is calm. It’s much easier for a calm mind to learn! If reduced stress is the reason you’re enrolling your child or teen in summer learning, any environment would be fine, whether it’s academic summer camps, top summer schools, individual OR group summer programs for kids in Fullerton.
You know your child best, so find out what the teacher/student ratio is in the reading summer programs, summer writing programs for elementary students/teens and math camps in Fullerton.
Those of us who have kids know this - The idea of summer school can turn our sweet angelic babies into bitter, whiny, eye-rolling little devils with an attitude problem that can scare off an angry lion!
No, our kids don’t need exorcists; they just hate the idea of learning during their break…but the cool thing is that certain summer programs for kids in Fullerton are so different than traditional summer schools that kids don’t even mind them.
Some top summer schools, summer programs for kids and academic summer camps in Fullerton have thrown away the traditional idea of learning and have found ways to make learning during the summer interesting and low-stress. If you can find one of these types of summer programs to prevent learning loss it’s worth looking into.
Whether you’re interested in top summer schools, academic summer camps or tutoring summer programs for kids, each can provide a different level of customization to your child’s needs. We’ll explain how one-on-one tutoring programs differ from other camps and summer schools and we’ll explain why summer is the best time to learn new information.
Traditional summer schools are just like school during the year…only during the summer. Nowadays, there are different options than that.
There are top summer schools in Fullerton that have similar environments to traditional school, but they’re focused on one subject or one goal. For example, there are pre-college summer schools focused on college prep or getting used to the college experience.
There are also subject focused programs taught in a school setting, like group-oriented math and reading summer programs, and also summer writing programs for elementary students in Fullerton. Top summer schools in Fullerton are a great option, but they’re not designed to focus on the needs of one particular child.
Academic summer camps in Fullerton can be general. They can also focus on children with special needs, such as advanced/gifted (yes, that’s considered a special need!), autism, deafness, etc. Lastly, they can focus on a certain subject or group of subjects - science and math camps in Fullerton are very common subject-focused camps.
Camps can be very similar to summer school, but usually, camps allow more freedom for kids to explore the subject ways that they wouldn’t be able to during the school year. Academic summer camps in Fullerton (like summer schools) are not designed to fit the needs of one child.
For example, summer writing programs for elementary students in Fullerton will focus on writing skills in general…but what if your child is a visual learner, or dyslexic, or has great grammar but terrible idea organization? Teachers at the writing camps won’t be able to help with these individual issues.
Tutoring Summer Programs For Kids in Fullerton are designed to suit your child’s individual needs – from learning style to subject focus to schedule, etc. If you want to make sure that all of the time you’re paying for is focused on your child and only your child, this is the type of summer learning you need!
Aside from being individualized, this type of program can also give your child the same benefits as the traditional specialized math camps, science camps and reading summer programs in Fullerton.
If you’re going to spend your money and your child’s time on a summer learning program, be fully committed. Choose the type of summer learning that most fits your child’s needs in every way.
If your child is standard/average in terms of learning ability, learning style, interest level and scheduling needs, look at group oriented academic summer camps and top summer schools in Fullerton. If your child’s performance and learning style is above or different than the average student, consider customized one-on-one tutoring. You have 3 months to make your child’s summer education count, so make sure it’s a productive one!
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