Shazia Lakhani, (630) 326-8886 - clubzwcoffice@clubztutoring.com


We Tutor Western Chicago, IL!

Club Z! Tutoring and Test Prep Services launches program to help parents and students succeed with Distance Learning.

Western Chicago, IL — July 30, 2020 — As parents everywhere are thrust into the role of teacher amid COVID-19 school closures, Club Z! Tutoring and Test Prep Services is announcing a special program to support families in the Western Chicago Area.

Club Z! Tutoring and Test Prep Services is offering FREE training programs for both parents and students designed to help students from pre-K through high school to excel in distance learning and develop lifelong study and organizational habits.

“During these unprecedented times, families across Western Chicago area are in need of ‘educational stimulus’,” said Shazia Lakhani, owner of Club Z! Tutoring and Test Prep Services of Western Chicago. “We feel a strong connection to our community. It is truly our pleasure to offer this program to parents to help their students succeed in what will be a difficult school year for all."

Club Z!’s new suite of services was designed to help families succeed in educating children and young adults in a virtual setting during the pandemic and beyond. The company created a special program called “Distance Learning for Parents,” a Club Z! innovation aimed at improving parents’ role in the education process. There is a session for parents of elementary level, middle school level and high school level students. Each free session will cover how to identify a child’s unique learning style, overcome obstacles in distance learning, organize activities and deadlines using a family calendar, and much more at each level. Parents who participate in the program will also receive access to resources and tools to use with their students.

“Club Z! is excited to help as many families as possible across the Western Chicago area.” Shazia Lakhani said.