(866) 448-8867

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College Admissions Help

Club Z! Offers College Preparation Services With A One-On-One Focus.

Club Z! will help build a time line around key dates in the application process; then improve test scores, guide you thru the application process and help create the perfect essay!

Club Z! has helped students get into the school of their dreams by increasing their SAT and ACT test scores, guiding them thru the admission and application process and lastly helping students create the perfect college essay. Our goal is to help your student gain admission into their college of choice. Our dedicated and qualified college coaches will design a college prep program for your student that is based on their testing schedule, strengths and weaknesses, while using the tools and resources needed make your application stand out in the crowd! Find out how you can get onto the road to acceptance with our 1-on-1, in-home college preparation programs in the US & Canada.

We offer free, no obligation College Preperation Evaluations with one of our directors who will provide recommendations for your family.

Call us at (866) 448-8867
to discuss how Club Z! College Admissions Help can help your student achieve their goals.

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Everything you need for college success

All of our College Consultants will work with you and your student in a one-on-one fashion to ensure your goals are met. Your Club Z! consultant will help you design a winning game plan for college admissions success, from getting the best score you can on the SAT and/or ACT, to selecting the best college for you and helping you stand out among the crowd.

Our expert consultants are:

College admissions consulting professionals who possess a collective 75 years of experience in higher education, college admissions consulting, and school counseling
Well-connected with admissions staff and college deans at some of the most prestigious universities in the country
Admissions experts who are well-versed in every aspect of the application process, including selecting schools and majors, securing financial aid and scholarships, and crafting a standout personal essay
Esteemed members and leaders of national professional associations such as the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA), the Higher Educational Consultants Association (HECA), and the Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants (AIGAC)
Ivy League, and other top-tier national university and college admissions specialists

Our expert consultants help you:

Strategies for success on standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT
Selecting and finalizing a list of potential colleges, including planning site visits and meetings with applicable college staff
Completing college applications, including personal statements and essays
Planning high school academics and international transcript evaluations
Evaluating and strategizing extracurricular activities, leadership involvement & summer internships & academic programs
Applying for financial aid, including identifying and applying for applicable scholarships and grant opportunities