Browse our archive of learning resources for students of all ages and subject areas. Still have questions? Contact us today to discuss a personalized in-home or online tutoring plan for your academic success.

How to Start the New School Year Off Right

As summer break comes to an end and a new school year approaches, your child might be feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. With a bit of planning, you can make sure your child starts the new school year off on the right foot. Here are some tips for a great start to this year!

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Why Summer Tutoring Should Be Part Of Your Education Plan

As the school year comes to a close, many parents may be thinking about how to keep their children engaged and academically motivated over the summer months. One solution that has been proven effective time and time again is summer tutoring. While some may view tutoring as an academic "band-aid" to patch up gaps in a child's knowledge, the truth is that summer tutoring can be a proactive and beneficial way to set your child up for long-term academic success. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of summer tutoring and why it should be an important part of your child's education.

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What To Do If Your Child Is Falling Behind In School

You have high expectations of your child and know that they are highly capable. So, what do you do when their grades start to slip? No need to panic as this is actually quite common. You might notice a dip in motivation, or it might be a specific subject that your child is struggling with. Either way, if you intervene early, you can get your child back on track. Here’s what you should do if your child is falling behind in school.

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Cost Benefit Analysis of SAT and ACT Exam Participation

This analysis will explore the financial implications and benefits associated with obtaining a favorable SAT score for college applicants. When evaluating the costs against the benefits, including scholarship opportunities and access to crucial information, the advantages of preparing and taking the SAT exam appear to outweigh the associated expenses.

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Exploring the Changes of the Digital SAT

In the early months of 2022, the College Board, responsible for overseeing SAT administration, unveiled a groundbreaking initiative to introduce digital administration of both the PSAT/NMSQT® and SAT® tests. For those preparing to tackle the SAT, understanding the nuances between the traditional and digital formats becomes pivotal in making an informed choice.

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The Impact of COVID 19 on Education; Tutoring Solution for Summer Learning Gap

The repercussions of the pandemic on education, combined with the significant issue of summer learning regression, demand immediate attention. In this article, we will examine the correlation between summer learning loss, the consequences of the pandemic, and how Club Z! Tutoring is taking proactive measures to tackle these concerns and pave the way for academic triumph.

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Back-to-School Tips for a Successful School Year

Get ready to kick off an amazing school year with a collection of must-know tips recommended by Club Z! Tutoring. Whether you're a parent looking to ensure a smooth academic journey or a student seeking to ace the upcoming challenges, we've got you covered. In this blog, we've compiled essential insights to help you set the stage for success. From practical back-to-school strategies to fostering a positive learning environment, our expert advice will guide you through every step.

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Why is Summer Learning Loss Such A Big Problem in Weston & Davie?

Our children are sponges full of information and summer does a really great job of wringing them out and pouring all of that information they soaked up down the drain! In the fall, they come to school rested, sun-tanned and…well…clueless! Getting back all of that lost information that they learned the previous year is a struggle.

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Is Studying With A Buddy Good For Your Grades?

Having a study buddy has many advantages. In this article, we will explain the most crucial advantages of having a study buddy. We’ll also explore the characteristics of a friend who can support you in your studies and how to nurture those qualities in yourself.

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USA Sees Largest Score Declines Mathematics Since 1990

How can we stop the largest score decline in mathematics since 1990? Weston & Davie Math Tutoring in-home or online can increase math grades and math concept understanding. Weston & Davie private, in-home math tutoring services and Weston & Davie 1-on-1 online math tutoring can stop the slide.

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Why the SAT & ACT Exams During COVID 19 are more important than ever

Four-year colleges may face a loss of up to 20 percent in fall enrollment for 2023 according to SimpsonScarborough, a higher education research and marketing company who has predicted this on the basis of multiple student surveys it has conducted. Students are uncertain that campuses will reopen, and now are reluctant to commit for the fall.

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COVID-19 has negatively impacted student learning and grades on a grand scale. One-on-one tutoring in the summer is a golden opportunity for your kids to receive tutoring to catch up and sharpen their learning skills to kick off the 2022/2023 school year successfully. 

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Tutoring improves your child’s grades and confidence at school, but it can also help improve life at home. Quite often, troubles at school end up translating to tension at home, which impacts EVERYONE under your roof.

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Back To School Tutoring In Weston & Davie, FL

Our after school tutors are well-equipped with fun games and exercises to encourage your child or teen to view learning as fun. Whether your child needs a math tutor, reading tutor, writing tutor or help in any other subjects, there are plenty of ways for her to learn to love learning and our after school tutors can help meet that goal. Aside from games and interesting exercises, our after school tutors can also design rewards systems to motivate your child or teen to improve.

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What can you do to help ensure your child gets the right balance of outside play and classroom engagement?For children to perform their best this school year, parents should ensure they get a good night’s sleep, eat a well-balanced diet, and have plenty of opportunity for exercise.

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This is the perfect time of the year for teaching your children about goal setting! From academic (think: finishing homework on-time and accurate) to athletic (think: making the travel team) to extracurricular (think: practicing your instrument for 30 minutes a day), teaching your kids to set goals at an early age gives them a tool set they can use for the rest of their lives!

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5 of the Best Educational Apps for Teens

A well-chosen app can boost your teens learning or help with a specific challenge. Here are eight new and recently updated apps for tweens and teens with learning and attention issues. Keep in mind that new apps are often released for iOS first, but they may become available for Android at a later date.

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Developing good sleep habits can positively impact a child’s physical and mental well-being and overall development. But in this age of ever-present technology, children are developing bad sleep habits at earlier ages, and it is having a negative impact on their classroom learning.

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Enhanced Flash Cards

When a student needs help with new vocabulary or simple concepts, flash cards have long been the go to for teachers of all grade levels. Enhanced flashcards simply build upon this foundation by broadening the application and deepening the learning.

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reduce stress tutoring

Reducing Stress Is A Great Way To Increase Grades

School is stressful especially in light of a world-wide pandemic that caused at the very least disruption in schooling. Now students are expected to excel in each subject while keeping up with extracurricular activities while being poorly prepared from the past year. Reduce Stress with Club Z! Tutoring's individualized tutoring in a stress-free learning environment for students k - 12 in all subjects.

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As a parent it is important to recognize, in a timely manner, signs that indicate your child is struggling academically.  A first step is to communicate with your child’s school. Your child may also need additional reinforcement to help get back on track.

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As school is back in session and tight schedules become even more rigid, it is important to make the most of every minute of your day.

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5 Ways to Improve your SAT Score

To prep for the Reading Test on the SAT, make it a point to read more non-fiction outside the classroom. While reading, do so actively asking yourself what the author’s primary purpose is and what is the tone he uses. This will help you with the passages on the Reading Tests and help boost your score on the Reading Test of the New SAT.

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If you have a son or daughter entering middle or high school this coming fall, you may be feeling apprehensive about the increased workload, the increasing difficulty of the curriculum, and the impending expectation that your student will be able to apply proper study habits.

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Whether school comes easy to your child or not, whether hes a straight C student or shes been on the honor roll her entire life, all kids can benefit from proper study habits. Here are 5 easy tips to help improve your childs grades this semester It is never too early or too late to start!

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ACT Scores For Top FL Colleges

Do you have the ACT scores needed to get into one of the top colleges and universities? This side-by-side comparison shows scores for the middle 50% of enrolled students. If your scores fall within or above these ranges, you're on target for admission to one of these top colleges in FL.

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SAT Scores For Top FL Colleges

Do you have the SAT scores needed to get into one of the top colleges and universities? This side-by-side comparison shows scores for the middle 50% of enrolled students. If your scores fall within or above these ranges, you're on target for admission to one of these top colleges in FL.

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5 Ways to Improve Your ACT Score

If your first (or second) ACT score isn't quite what you were hoping for, you probably plan to take the test again. Here are some simple ways to boost your score and improve your college acceptance and scholarship odds.

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Club Z! and the tutor selection process.

Top 10 Questions When Selecting A Tutor

There are many factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing a tutor for your student. This decision shouldn't be taken lightly, as it can affect your child's long-term growth in school and life. We have compiled the following list of frequently asked questions regarding Club Z! and the tutor selection process.

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How to Improve In Reading & Writing

How can you learn to read and write better? To write better, you must learn to read better. To consciously evaluate your writing you must become more conscious of reading behaviors. Finally, throughout our education and employment we are expected to be able to read far more complicated texts than we are expected to write.

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How To Excel In STEM Subjects

Barbara Oakley is a professor of engineering at Oakland University in Michigan. Drawing on neuroscience and cognitive psychology, as well as techniques from top teachers in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields, Oakley examines how people learn – and why many struggle with – these disciplines.

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How To Ace Your Next Exam

The end of the term is drawing near, and that means final exams are looming. How can you give yourself an edge this time around? The most important thing you can do is give yourself plenty of time to prepare. Then follow this plan.

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Math Common Core

Math Common Core State Standards require greater focus by teachers and deeper knowledge by students than many previous state standards. Students will need to accurately calculate equations, understand concepts, and accurately select the best mathematical concept or equation.  Keep Reading »

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